
Friday, December 10, 2010

Race for Dzeko-the Diamond

This great striker has been one of the transfer stars for some time, but he never approached any club enough. He stayed in Wolfsburg. This media talking have not affect on this player. He is still in great shape, and he has scored 9 goals out of 15 matches and is 4. best scorer in Bundesleague. This Bosnia&Herzegovina player has been approached by many teams, including Juventus, Milan and Manchester City. In the media has appeard a story that  Juventus has allegedly had made a preliminary contract with Dzeko, but nothing of that came true. There is a rumor that this 24-year-old striker will join Manchester United for 40 million euros. That is just a rumor so far. His skills are probably shown the best in nickname that press gave him-,,The Diamond". Wherever he end up, he will be good player for that team.